Article: How would you invest $X?
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Adam Bloomfield MD FAAP
Depends who is investing, and the purpose of the investment.
- Pay off high interest debt (if any)
- Exhaust tax-advantaged investments (IRA, 401k, 403b, 529, etc.)
- Make a plan for the remainder, I use Persona Capital (robo-investment), but in general I suggest low-fee index funds
- Stay away from brokers...they tend to make you "broker" - see the previous post about whole life!
Joseph Saveika
Broad question. I personally would put it all in my brokerage account, because I use all my tax advantaged space in the first week of the year. I invest it according to my calculated efficient frontier. It will be different for every reader. Where it goes is dependent on the stage of wealth accumulation the individual reader is in, and the source of the income. W2 will be different from 1099 which will be different from windfall, etc. How it goes is pretty standard--index funds meeting the efficient frontier that the person has calculated. The answer can be exceedingly vague or exceedingly granular.
Kanav Jain (CEO, Andwise)
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