Time Management Strategies -Developing a schedule that works for a dual-physician couple necessitates careful time management, with ideas such as alternating call nights or coordinating with other physician couples. Setting Up Financial Plans -Having a clear financial plan is key to preventing misunderstandings or arguments, with the recommendation to set a budget and stick to it. Finding Childcare -Interacting with friends and colleagues for advice, interviewing childcare providers in person, and understanding employer benefits are all valuable steps. Utilizing Resources -Dual-physician couples have access to numerous resources and programs, such as consulting with financial planners, exploring refinancing options, and asking for help. Flexible Career Paths -Pursuing work-life balance through changing one's workload or creating a job share can help create a work-life balance. Additionally, staying open to per diem or locum tenens work can provide additional income. Real-Life Experiences of Dual-Physician Couples -A growing collection of stories from couples around the US discuss their unique career paths, the solutions they found, and the advice they have for others.